Assessment of Extension Service Delivery on Improved Fishing Technologies among Artisanal Fishermen in Baga Area of Lake Basin, Nigeria


Baga Area
Extension service delivery
Fishing technologies
Lake Chad


The study assessed extension service delivery on improved artisanal fishing technologies among artisanal fishermen in Baga Area of Lake Chad, Nigeria. Data were obtained from 210 fishermen using multi-stage sampling techniques through structured interview schedule. Data were analysed with the use of descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentages and means. The results of the socio-economic characteristics revealed that majority (78.1%) of the respondents’ age were between 31and 50 years, which indicated that economically active respondents were involved in artisanal fishing in the study area. The result, however, showed that majority (63.8%) of the respondents had low level of education, who could not have access credit (67.1%), with 11 and above years of fishing experience (66.7%). The Adopted Village Programme of the Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria through Federal College of Freshwater Fisheries Technology Baga was acknowledged as the source of extension service to all (100%) the respondents.  The study indicated that improved fishing technologies were available in the study area. However, not all the improved fishing technologies were adopted by the respondents. The result revealed constraints of high cost (87.6%), lack of capital (85.7%), lack of infrastructures (82.9%), lack of government incentives (70%) and fear and anxiety due to insurgency (46.2%). Based on the findings, recommendations made include the need to design a special programme through the adopted villages programme to enable the fishermen link up with Nigerian Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank. This could ensure timely accessibility of credit facilities for improved adoption of the fishing technologies in the study area.



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