The purpose of this research was to investigate the factors that contributes to the productivity of seaweed, Kappahycus alvarezii cultivated in the waters of South Halmahera Regency, North Mollucas Provinces of Indonesia. The study was conducted by a survey and measurement to the water parameters in each unit of cultivation area which includes depth, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, number of predatory fish, and number of aquatic plants. Culture technique (land size and number of plant spots) and social data (labours, business experience and training), were obtained by distributing questionnaires to 90 seaweed farmers. The research was conducted from May 2012 to May 2013 in three locations-Posi-Posi waters in the Subdistrict of South Kayoa, Talimau waters in Kayoa Subdistrict and Indari waters in West Bacan Subdistrict. Cobb-Douglas equation or regression model double log, was used to analyze variables of some water quality parameters, cultivation techniques and social data. The result of the study indicated a number of factors determining seaweed production (R2 = 0.640). The result of F-test showed that environment; cultivation technique and social variables simultaneously affected the seaweed production. Temperature was the most significant factor that influenced the seaweed production. By contrast, the lowest contribution was given by business experience.
Arfah, H, and S. Papalia. (2008). Laju Pertumbuhan Eucheuma cottonii (Rhodophyta) pada Periode Penanaman yang berbeda di Perairan Pulau Osi, Seram Bagian Barat, Journal of Torani 18: 1-203.
Arisandi, A., Marsoedi, H. Nursyam, and A. Sartimbul. (2011). Pengaruh Salinitas yang berbeda terhadap Morfologi Ukuran dan Jumlah Sel, Pertumbuhan serta Rendemen Karaginan Kappahycus alvarezii. Journal of Marine 16: 143-150.
Batoa, H., A. Jahi, and S. Djoko. (2008). Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kompetensi Petani Rumput Laut di Kabupaten Konawe Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Journal of Councelling 4: 31-38.
Buschmann, A.H, Gonzales, H.C.M and D. Varela. (2008). Seaweed Future Cultivation in Chile: Perspectives and Challenges. Journal Environment and Pollution 33: 432-456.
Dawes, C. J. (1995). Marine Botany. A Willey-Interscience Publication, John Willey&Sons. NewYork-Chicester-Brisbane-Toronto-Singapore. 628 pp.
Debertin, L.D. (2012). Agriculture Production Economic. Second Edition, Department of Kentucky of Agriculture Economic, Kentucky, Lexington. 411 pp.
Department of Marine and Fisheries. (2009). Profil Rumput Laut Indonesia., Directorate General of Cultivation Fisheries. Jakarta. 186 pp.
De San, M. (2012). The Farming of Seaweed. Commision Del, Ocean Indien. 22 pp. Department of Marine and Fisheries, South Halmahera Regency. (2012). Report of Production of Seaweed of South Halmahera. 10 pp.
Drying, M.J. (1982).The Biologi of Marine Plants. Thomson Litho, Ltd, East Kilbred, Scotland. 99 pp.
Effendi, H. (2000). Telaahan Kualitas Air Bagi Pengelolaan Sumberdaya dan Lingkungan Perairan, Jurusan Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Institut Pertanian Bogor. 126 pp.
Gujarati, D. (1997). Ekonometrika Dasar. Erlangga, Jakarta. 418 pp.
Insan,A.I.,Widyartini, D Wand Sarwanto (2013). Posisi Tanam Rumput Laut dengan Modifikasi Sistem Jaring terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Kappaphycus alvarezii di Perairan Pantura Brebes, Journal of Training and Development of Central Java Province 11: 125-133.
Ismail, Z. (2009). Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Ekonomi Hayati Laut, Kasus Budidaya Rumput Laut. LIPI (The Indonesian Academic of Science), 128 pp.
Kangkan, A.L., Hartoko, A., Suminto. (2006). Study on Site Selection for The Development of Mariculture Based on Physical, Chemical and Biological Parameters in Kupang Bay, East Nusa Tenggara. Journal of Pasir Laut 3: 76-93.
Khan, S.1., and S.B. Satam. (2003). Seaweed Mariculture Scope and Potential in lndia. Journal of Aquaculture Asia 8: 26-29.
Lobban, C.S.and P. J. Harrison. (1997). Seaweed Ecology and Physiology. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 489. pp.
Luning K. (1990). Seaweed Their Environment, Biogeography and Ecophysiology, A Wiley Interscience Publication, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 125Pp.
Mappatoba, M, Rosyida, E, and Laapo, A. (2010). Karakteristik Kualitas Air laut berdasarkan Musim Dalam Mendukung Budidaya Rumput Laut di Gugus Pulau Salabangka Kabupaten Morowali, Journal of Indonesia Aquaculture 11: 141-149.
Munoz, J., Pelegrin,Y.F. Robledo, D. (2004). Maruculture of Kappaphycus alvarezii, (Rhodophyta, Solieriaceae) Color Strain in Tropical Waters Yucaan, Mexico, Aquaculture 239: 161-177.
Msuya, F.E., dan D. Salum. (2007). The Effect of Cultivation, Duration, Seasonality and Nutrient Conentration of the Growth Rate and Biomass Yield of the Seaweeds Kappaphycus alvarezii and Eucheuma denticulatum in Zanzibar, Tanzania, MARG-I Final Report submitted to The Western Indian Ocean Marine Sciences Association (WIOMSA). 23Pp.
Pongarrang,D.,A.Rahman and WaIba. (2013). Pengaruh Jarak Tanam dan Bobot Bibit Terhadap Pertumbuhan Rumput Laut (Kappaphycus alvarezii) Menggunakan Metode Vertikultur, Journal of Mina Laut Indonesia 3:94-112.
Sambo,L,Benyamin,I.M.,Roland A.Barkey. (2000). Strategi Keberlanjutan Budidaya Rumput Laut Masyarakat Pesisir Kabupaten Luwu. Report of Result of Research, a part of Plans of the development of area development, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, 15 Pp.
SEAFDEC. (2006). The Farming of Kappapychus, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Aquaculture Department, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Phillipines. 10Pp.
Sievanena, L, Crawford, B., Pollnace, R., Lowe, C. (2005). Weeding Through Assumption of Livelihood Approaches in ICM: Seaweed Farming in the Phillipines and Indonesia. Ocean &Coastal Management.48: 297-313.
Shang, Y.C. (1990). Aquaculture Economic Analysis: An Introduction. the World Aquaculture Society, Lousiana State University, America. 120Pp.
Shinta, A. (2011). Ilmu Usaha Tani. Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Press. Malang. 133Pp. Soeakartawi. (1990).Teori Ekonomi Produksi: Dengan Pokok Baha,san Analisis Fungsi Produksi Cobb-Douglass. CV Rajawali. Jakarta. 257Pp.
Soekartawi. (2013). Agribisnis: Teori dan Aplikasinya. PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta. 237Pp.
Susila, I, and Isa, M. (2000). Pengukuran Efisiensi Teknis Usaha Mebel dengan Data Envelopment
Analysis (DEA). Journal of Benefit 11: 19-29.
Abdan, A. Rahman and Ruslaini. (2013). Pengaruh Jarak Tanam Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Kandungan Karagenan Rumput Laut (Kappahycus alvarezii) Menggunakan Metode Long Line, (Journal of Mina Laut Indonesia) 3: 113-123.
Arfah, H, and S. Papalia. (2008). Laju Pertumbuhan Eucheuma cottonii (Rhodophyta) pada Periode Penanaman yang berbeda di Perairan Pulau Osi, Seram Bagian Barat, Journal of Torani 18: 1-203.
Arisandi, A., Marsoedi, H. Nursyam, and A. Sartimbul. (2011). Pengaruh Salinitas yang berbeda terhadap Morfologi Ukuran dan Jumlah Sel, Pertumbuhan serta Rendemen Karaginan Kappahycus alvarezii. Journal of Marine 16: 143-150.
Batoa, H., A. Jahi, and S. Djoko. (2008). Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kompetensi Petani Rumput Laut di Kabupaten Konawe Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Journal of Councelling 4: 31-38.
Buschmann, A.H, Gonzales, H.C.M and D. Varela. (2008). Seaweed Future Cultivation in Chile: Perspectives and Challenges. Journal Environment and Pollution 33: 432-456.
Dawes, C. J. (1995). Marine Botany. A Willey-Interscience Publication, John Willey&Sons. NewYork-Chicester-Brisbane-Toronto-Singapore. 628 pp.
Debertin, L.D. (2012). Agriculture Production Economic. Second Edition, Department of Kentucky of Agriculture Economic, Kentucky, Lexington. 411 pp.
Department of Marine and Fisheries. (2009). Profil Rumput Laut Indonesia., Directorate General of Cultivation Fisheries. Jakarta. 186 pp.
De San, M. (2012). The Farming of Seaweed. Commision Del, Ocean Indien. 22 pp. Department of Marine and Fisheries, South Halmahera Regency. (2012). Report of Production of Seaweed of South Halmahera. 10 pp.
Drying, M.J. (1982).The Biologi of Marine Plants. Thomson Litho, Ltd, East Kilbred, Scotland. 99 pp.
Effendi, H. (2000). Telaahan Kualitas Air Bagi Pengelolaan Sumberdaya dan Lingkungan Perairan, Jurusan Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Institut Pertanian Bogor. 126 pp.
Gujarati, D. (1997). Ekonometrika Dasar. Erlangga, Jakarta. 418 pp.
Insan,A.I.,Widyartini, D Wand Sarwanto (2013). Posisi Tanam Rumput Laut dengan Modifikasi Sistem Jaring terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Kappaphycus alvarezii di Perairan Pantura Brebes, Journal of Training and Development of Central Java Province 11: 125-133.
Ismail, Z. (2009). Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Ekonomi Hayati Laut, Kasus Budidaya Rumput Laut. LIPI (The Indonesian Academic of Science), 128 pp.
Kangkan, A.L., Hartoko, A., Suminto. (2006). Study on Site Selection for The Development of Mariculture Based on Physical, Chemical and Biological Parameters in Kupang Bay, East Nusa Tenggara. Journal of Pasir Laut 3: 76-93.
Khan, S.1., and S.B. Satam. (2003). Seaweed Mariculture Scope and Potential in lndia. Journal of Aquaculture Asia 8: 26-29.
Lobban, C.S.and P. J. Harrison. (1997). Seaweed Ecology and Physiology. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 489. pp.
Luning K. (1990). Seaweed Their Environment, Biogeography and Ecophysiology, A Wiley Interscience Publication, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 125Pp.
Mappatoba, M, Rosyida, E, and Laapo, A. (2010). Karakteristik Kualitas Air laut berdasarkan Musim Dalam Mendukung Budidaya Rumput Laut di Gugus Pulau Salabangka Kabupaten Morowali, Journal of Indonesia Aquaculture 11: 141-149.
Munoz, J., Pelegrin,Y.F. Robledo, D. (2004). Maruculture of Kappaphycus alvarezii, (Rhodophyta, Solieriaceae) Color Strain in Tropical Waters Yucaan, Mexico, Aquaculture 239: 161-177.
Msuya, F.E., dan D. Salum. (2007). The Effect of Cultivation, Duration, Seasonality and Nutrient Conentration of the Growth Rate and Biomass Yield of the Seaweeds Kappaphycus alvarezii and Eucheuma denticulatum in Zanzibar, Tanzania, MARG-I Final Report submitted to The Western Indian Ocean Marine Sciences Association (WIOMSA). 23Pp.
Pongarrang,D.,A.Rahman and WaIba. (2013). Pengaruh Jarak Tanam dan Bobot Bibit Terhadap Pertumbuhan Rumput Laut (Kappaphycus alvarezii) Menggunakan Metode Vertikultur, Journal of Mina Laut Indonesia 3:94-112.
Sambo,L,Benyamin,I.M.,Roland A.Barkey. (2000). Strategi Keberlanjutan Budidaya Rumput Laut Masyarakat Pesisir Kabupaten Luwu. Report of Result of Research, a part of Plans of the development of area development, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, 15 Pp.
SEAFDEC. (2006). The Farming of Kappapychus, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Aquaculture Department, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Phillipines. 10Pp.
Sievanena, L, Crawford, B., Pollnace, R., Lowe, C. (2005). Weeding Through Assumption of Livelihood Approaches in ICM: Seaweed Farming in the Phillipines and Indonesia. Ocean &Coastal Management.48: 297-313.
Shang, Y.C. (1990). Aquaculture Economic Analysis: An Introduction. the World Aquaculture Society, Lousiana State University, America. 120Pp.
Shinta, A. (2011). Ilmu Usaha Tani. Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Press. Malang. 133Pp. Soeakartawi. (1990).Teori Ekonomi Produksi: Dengan Pokok Baha,san Analisis Fungsi Produksi Cobb-Douglass. CV Rajawali. Jakarta. 257Pp.
Soekartawi. (2013). Agribisnis: Teori dan Aplikasinya. PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta. 237Pp.
Susila, I, and Isa, M. (2000). Pengukuran Efisiensi Teknis Usaha Mebel dengan Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Journal of Benefit 11: 19-29.