The Ecological Adaptive Capacity in the Group of Guraici Island in Kayoa District, South Halmahera Regency, North Moluccas Provinces, Indonesia


Adaptive Capacity
Coral Reef
Mangrove and Seagrass
Guraici Island


Coral reefs, mangroves, and sea grass are important ecosystems in coastal areas and small islands that play an essential role in protecting the coastline and the mainland of small islands. These ecosystems are quite effective as protectors of the security of small mainland islands. This research was designed to calculate, assess, and determine the status of the ecological adaptive capacity of small islands in the group of Guraici Island. This research was conducted on 17 islands located in the group of Guraici Island by calculating the adaptive capacity of the coral reef, mangrove, and seagrass ecosystems. The value of adaptive capacity in each ecosystem was in the range of 0.0 to 1. 0; while the adaptive value of island ecology was in the range of 0.0 - 3.0. The result of this research showed that all coastal ecosystems examined in the islands located in the group of Guraici Island were grouped into three categories of adaptive capacity: “medium, low, and very low”. The value of the adaptive
capacity of the coral reef ecosystem was in the range of 0.0–0.58. Meanwhile, the mangrove ecosystem and the seagrass ecosystem had the values of adaptive capacity between 0.0–0.51, and between 0.0-0.59, respectively. Similarly, the result of analysis showed that the adaptive capacity of the ecology of islands in the group on Guraici Island was categorized into three: medium, low and very low with the value of the adaptive capacity of ecology in the range of 0.37-1.64.



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