Influence of Fish Species on Some Life History Characters of Dermestes maculatus DeGeer (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) and Necrobia rufipes DeGeer (Coleoptera: Cleridae)


Dermestes maculatus
Necrobia rufipes
smoked fish species


Laboratory studies was carried out under uncontrolled conditions (25 – 34°C and 28 – 56% r.h.) to assess the influence of three host smoked fish species (Clarias gariepinus, Synodontis nigritis and Tilapia niloticus) on some life history characters of Dermestes maculatus DeGeer and Necrobia rufipes DeGeer. Studies were conducted on 100 g of smoked fish substrate infested with 20 mixed-sex adults of D. maculatus or N. rufipes for 7 days. Results showed a significant influence of host fish species on progeny production and length of developmental period of D. maculatus; and progeny production of N. rufipes. Significant differences (p≤0.05) among fish species were noted in the number of developed progeny (ranging from 33.0±1.2 to 43.3±1.2) and length of developmental period (ranging from 50.3±0.3 to 57.8±0.8) of D. maculatus. In the case of N. rufipes, relatively fewer adults developed (9.0±0.7 to 13.0±0.4) and shorter length of developmental period (27.3±0.8 to 29.3±0.9) were recorded. Host fish species did not influence the live weight of the adult of both insect species. Irrespective of host fish species, the male: female ratio for both insect species was 1:1.5. It was concluded that that host fish species influences some life history characters of D. maculatus and N. rufipes and may determine the development of these pest species and the degree of damage sustained during storage. 



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