Water Quality Assessment using Monogenean Gill Parasites of Fish in Kenyir Lake, Malaysia


Hampala macrolepidota
Water quality


Parasitological studies on monogenean parasites was carried out on the gills of two fish species Hampala macrolepidoti (N = 292) and Hemibagrus nemurus (N = 292). The study was carried out in six different locations on Lake Kenyir (4o43’N to 5o 15’N and 102o30’E to 102o55’E) in Terengganu State, Malaysia between 2009 and 2011. In total six monogenean species were detected from the gills of the examined fishes, viz: Dactylogyrus hampali, Dactylogyrus quadribrachiatus, Dactylogyrus macrolepidoti from Hampala macrolepidota and Cornudiscoides malayensis, Cornudiscoides sundanensis, and Bifurcohaptor baungi from Hemibagrus nemurus. There was significant correlation (P < 0.01) between the prevalence of monogenean and some water quality (e. g. temperature and dissolved oxygen) parameters in all the fishes examined. Results also revealed highest prevalence rate (100 %) of monogeneans infection during the dry season – Non-Monsoon (March to July) and the lowest rate (57 %) during
monsoon (November to February The positive correlation exists between the monogeneans infection and water quality variables in the two basic seasons of the country have led to the conclusion that ectoparasitic monogeneans are good biological tools in assessing the water quality in Lakes.


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