A prevalence study on the endoparasites of Clarias gariepinus using standard parasitological methods was conducted in Maiduguri, from January to May 2012. A total of 100 Clarias gariepinus were examined for endoparasites. Of the total number examined, 38(38.00%) were infected with parasites, which included nematodes, cestodes, and protozoa. The Cestode diphyllobothrium latum was identified with a prevalence of 31.60%, Gnathostoma spinigerum a nematode had a prevalence of 44.70% while the blood protozoa Trypanosoma spp had a prevalence of 23.70%. There was a significant difference (p≤0.05) between the prevalence of infection and standard length and body weight of Clarias spp., whereas there was no significant difference (p≥0.05) between the sexes of the fishes.
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