Experiments were conducted to assess the susceptibility and damage of three fish species (Clarias, Synodontis, and Tilapia) by two stored-product beetles (Dermestes maculatus and Necrobia rufipes) under ambient laboratory conditions (25 – 34°C and 28 – 56% relative humidity (r.h.). Losses in weight, quality, and susceptibility indices were measured. Fish species deferred significantly (p≤0.05 in their susceptibility to the two insect pests. In all three fish species D. maculatus caused greater losses in weight and quality (6.1±0.1 to 13.80±0.20 and 42.80±0.60 to 63.20±0.20 %, than N. rufipes (3.1±0.2 to 7.3±0.4 and 22.4±0.20 to 35.60±0.50 %), respectively. The order of susceptibility to D. maculatus was ranked: Clarias spp>Tilapia spp>Synodontis spp. while to N. rufipes was: Tilapia spp>Clarias spp>Synodontis spp.
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