Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Helminths of Tilapia zilli (Gervais 1848) in Maiduguri, Nigeria


Gastrointestinal parasites


A study on the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths of Tilapia zilli was conducted from August to September 2010 using standard parasitological
techniques. A total of 150 Tilapia zilli were examined. The result shows that Caryophyllaeus species has the highest prevalence of 16 (57.10%), while Cystacanthus and Diphylloborium species had 8 (28.60%) and 4 (14.30%) respectively. Based on sex male Tilapia zilli had a higher 64.30% (18) prevalence of helminthiosis compared to that of females 35.70% (10) (p=0,021<0.05). T.zilli within the length categories of 16-20 and 21-25cm recorded a significantly (p=0.012<0.05) higher infection of 25.00% (7) and 60.70% (17) respectively. The lowest 14.30% (4) rate was observed in fish with 20 to 30cm categories. In conclusion, smaller Tilapia zilli were more susceptible to parasitic infections than larger ones. 



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