Survey of Gastrointestinal Parasites in Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) and Coptodon zilli (Gervais, 1848) of Wasai Reservoir, Kano, Nigeria


Public health


The study aimed to investigate the prevalence and intensity of parasitic infections in Clarias gariepinus and Coptodon zilli in Wasai Reservoir. The study was conducted from January 2019 to June 2020, spanning 18 months. Standard techniques for parasitology were employed in the study. Fish samples were dissected and examined, and parasites were removed, identified, and counted. The results revealed that out of 477 C. gariepinus examined, 59.03% were infected with 21 intestinal helminths, including Cestodes, Trematodes, and Nematodes. In contrast, 331 (40.97%) were recorded in C. zilli. Prevalence of infection was higher in males 258 (76%) than in females 219 (24%), which did not differ significantly between sex and prevalence rate in C. gariepinus (x2 = 0.723, d.f 1 (0.395). Among C. zilli, the prevalence of sex revealed a higher 234 (87.6%) males than in females 97 (22.4%), where the difference was not statistically different in infection rate (x2 = 2.001 d.f = 1 (0.98%). Six (6) fish parasite species were isolated, identified, and recorded as Trichodinas spp., Diplosbotrium latum. Chilodenella spp., P. chlaradae., Emeria spp., Cestode larvae, and procammalanus spp. The most prevalent parasites recovered were Chilodenella sp., with a 14.0% number of infections, an intensity of infection of 1.09, and an index of infection of 14.1%. This study showed a considerable health risk to consumers due to parasitic infection. Therefore, periodic parasitological investigations should be carried out to curtail the potential dangers to future generations along the reservoir.



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