Seasonal Prevalence of Parasites of Clariids Fishes from the Lower Benue River, Nigeria


Ogun River
Seasonal Prevalence
Clariids fishes
lower Benue River


The seasonal prevalence of parasites of Clariid fishes from the lower Benue River was conducted in this study. A total of six hundred (600) live fish, 300 each of Clarias anguillaris and Clarias gariepinus were examined for endo and ecto parasites, respectively. Different parasites belonging to different groups, namely protozoa (I. multifiliis, Chilodonella sp, and Trichodina sp), cestodes (Diphillobothrium latum), nematodes (Procamallanus laevionchus, Capillaria sp and Eustrogylides sp) and monogenean trematodes (Dactylogyrus sp) were found in different locations in the two Clariid fishes. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the prevalence of infection between C. anguillaris and C. gariepinus. Seasonal variations of parasitic infection in the fish species studied showed a significant difference (p<0.05). There was a higher parasite prevalence in C. anguillaris (27.33%) and C. gariepinus (29.33%) in the dry season than in the wet season (19.33%) for both species. Females of both fish species had more parasites load than the male in both seasons. There was a high percentage of parasite infestation (C. anguillaris, 67.8% and C. gariepinus, 41.09%) in the dry season compared with the wet season (C. anguillaris, 32.2% and C. gariepinus 49.00%). Fish between a total length group of (21 – 30 and 31 – 40 cm) were more parasitized than fish of other length classes. Variations in parasitic infestation were also observed among the different weight ranges in both seasons. The results are discussed in the context of fish parasite infestation and probable implication to fish productivity in lower River Benue Makurdi.




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