Nigeria is blessed with over 12.5 million hectares of water surface which a good percentage could be put to use for aquaculture and development. The animal and aquatic feed (aqua feed) industry, which can be accessed to provide raw materials/expertise within the country and the capacity within the existing infrastructure to manufacture the desired aqua feeds is reviewed. Raw materials available for the manufacture of Aqua feeds within the country and those replacing them are also stressed. Nutritionists on the other hand have fixed almost all the nutrient requirements of African catfish. Evaluation of the suitability of the unconventional ingredient for inclusion into aqua feed has been carried out. Feed formulators have also moved from manual formulation to least-cost formulation. The Federal Government has removed import duties on all forms of agricultural equipment as part of measures to diversify the country’s economy while custom duties are imposed on selected agricultural produce used in aqua feed production in Nigeria in order to encourage local production. This is leveraged by support through different loan schemes to farmers. Nigeria is estimated to rake in over N800 billion from the sector as consumption is increasing daily when an enabling environment is provided for commercial aqua feed production.
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