The mass propagation of good quality fish, seeds remains a major constraint to aquaculture in Nigeria. This study compared growth performances of Clarias gariepinus, Heterobranchus bidorsalis and their hybrid, Heteroclarias ♀ Clarias gariepinus x ♂ Heterobranchus bidorsalis for commercial culture in earthen ponds in South West Nigeria. Three (3) earthen ponds (each 0.02 ha) were stocked with 330 hatchery-produced fingerlings of C. gariepinus, H. bidorsalis and their hybrid (Heteroclarias). Mean weights at stocking of C. gariepinus was 7.5±1.5g, H. bidorsalis was 8.5±1.5g and Heteroclarias was 7.5±1.5g. The fish were reared on 45% crude protein for 6 months. The result shows that the survival rates for Heteroclarias was 97.3±8.10% and final mean weight was 880±78.72 g, H. bidorsalis was 75.5±6.40% and final mean weight was 850±73.06 g, while survival rate was 81.1±7.80% and final mean weight was 460±35.53 g for C. gariepinus. The final standard length of H. bidorsalis, C. gariepinus and Heteroclarias were: 465.56±67.89 mm, 365.36±43.22 mm and 435.12±56.70 mm, respectively. Standing crop at harvest was 70.55±7.80 kg/0.02ha for H. bidorsalis, 94.16±8.60 kg/0.02ha for Heteroclarias while it was 45.08±5.40 kg/0.02ha for C. gariepinus. Condition factor (K) was 1.40 in H. bidorsalis, 1.53 in Heteroclarias and 1.23 in C. gariepinus. Only H. bidorsalis had positive allometry, but all 3 species had a high correlation coefficient (r > 0.94). The result demonstrated that all the Clariid species had great potential for use in aquaculture. Therefore, there is a need for selective harvesting as a practice for consolidation of smaller fish into fewer ponds for additional growth.
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